mfundo zazinsinsi

Zasinthidwa Komaliza: Epulo 8, 2024


This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to the websites of Beyond100K, a fiscally sponsored project of the Tides Center, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation (“we,” “us,” “our”), located at,,,, and (the “Websites”).


Zachinsinsi chanu ndizofunikira kwa ife. Mfundo Zachinsinsizi zimalongosola zambiri zomwe tingatenge kuchokera kwa inu kapena zomwe mungapereke mukamapita kumawebusayiti ndi machitidwe athu osonkhanitsa, kugwiritsa ntchito, kusunga, kuteteza, ndi kufotokozera zambiri. Mfundo Zachinsinsi izi zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pazidziwitso a) mutha kutipatsa mwakufuna kwanu mukamapita kumawebusayiti; b) titha kusonkhanitsa zokha mukamapita kumawebusayiti; ndi c) kuti tisonkhanitse kuchokera kwa ena ndi ena.


Chonde werengani Izi Zazinsinsi musanagwiritse ntchito Mawebusayiti. Mwa kupita pa Webusaitiyi kapena kutipatsa zambiri kudzera pa Webusayitiyi, mukuvomera zomwe zili mu Mfundo Zazinsinsi izi komanso Momwe Mungagwiritsire Ntchito. Mwanjira ina, ngati simukugwirizana ndi Zinsinsi izi, musagwiritse ntchito Mawebusayiti.

Zomwe Tisonkhanitsa

Simukuyenera kupereka chidziwitso chakuchezera mawebusayiti. Komabe, titha kusonkhanitsa zambiri kuchokera komanso za omwe amabwera kumawebusayiti. Izi zitha kukudziwitsani monga dzina, imelo nambala yafoni, adilesi, kuchuluka kwa anthu, ndi zina zambiri zofananira ("Zambiri Zaumwini"). Timasonkhanitsa Zambiri Zaumwini ndi zina mwanjira ziwiri: 1) mumatipatsa mwakufuna kwanu; ndi 2) zokha mukamachezera mawebusayiti athu.


  • Information You Provide to Us: You may opt to submit your Personal Information to us for a variety of reasons. Examples include: subscribing to email newsletters from us; signing up to receive information about our work, programs, initiatives, or events; filling out a “Contact Us” or other online form to ask a question or request information; and communicating with us via email. If you would like to update or delete the information you have provided to us, please contact and
  • Zambiri Zosonkhanitsidwa: Gawoli lazidziwitso limaphatikizaponso adilesi ya Internet Protocol ("IP") ya kompyuta kapena chida chomwe mumagwiritsa ntchito kufikira ma Webusayiti; adilesi ya intaneti yatsamba lomwe mudalumikizana ndi Webusayiti; ndi maulalo omwe mumatsata kuchokera pa Webusayiti.
  • Cookies ndi Technologies Zofananira:Information Automatically Collected” also includes information gathered through browser cookies or other tracking technologies. Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer when you visit a site. Cookies serve different purposes, like helping us understand how our site is being used, letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally improving your browsing experience. Cookies are not the only way to track visitors to a website. We may also use tiny graphics files with unique identifiers called beacons (and also “pixels” or “clear gifs”) to recognize when someone visits our sites. By activating the appropriate setting on our browser, you can choose not to accept cookies. However, please note that if you make this choice, you may be unable to access certain sections of the Websites. If you use the browser setting that allows you to accept cookies, you consent to our use of cookies. Also, be aware that some of the non-cookie tracking technologies often depend on cookies to function properly, so disabling cookies may impair their functioning. Some Internet browsers may be configured to send “Do Not Track” signals to the online services that you visit. We currently do not respond to “Do Not Track” or similar signals. To find out more about “Do Not Track,” please visit
  • Zambiri Zomwe Timapeza Kuchokera Kwa Ena: We may receive Personal Information about you from other sources, including your organization or company, others who think you might be interested in our work, publicly available sources, and third-party analytics providers. For example, we may receive your Personal Information if someone at your organization designates you as a contact person for that organization.


Kugwiritsa Ntchito Zinthu Zanu

Titha kugwiritsa ntchito zomwe tapeza kuti tichite izi:

  • Lumikizanani nanu, kuphatikiza poyankha mafunso ndi zopempha zanu.
  • Gwiritsani ntchito, kukonza, kuyang'anira, ndikukonza masamba awebusayiti.
  • Chitani kafukufuku ndi ma analytics okhudza ogwiritsa ntchito mawebusayiti ndi momwe amagwiritsidwira ntchito.
  • Lumikizanani nanu zamomwe mungasinthire mawebusayiti kapena mfundo zazinsinsi, ngati tikufunika kutero.
  • Pangani zidziwitso zophatikizika ndi zina zosadziwika kuchokera kwa ogwiritsa ntchito koma osalumikizidwa ndi Zomwe Mumakonda, zomwe titha kugawana ndi ena kuti tichite nawo bizinesi zovomerezeka.
  • Tetezani mawebusayiti, kuphatikiza kuzindikira, kufufuza, ndi kupewa zinthu zomwe zitha kuphwanya mfundo zathu kapena malamulo.
  • Comply with law. We may use your Personal Information as we believe appropriate to (a) comply with applicable laws, lawful requests, and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas or requests from government authorities; and (b) where permitted by law in connection with a legal investigation.
  • Obtain your consent. In some cases, we may ask for your consent to collect, use, or share your Personal Information in a manner not covered by this Privacy Policy. In such cases, we would ask you to “opt-in” to such use.


Ways We Share Your Personal Information

Titha kuwulula Zokhudza Zanu pazinthu zofananira monga Tides Foundation kapena Tides Network kapena kwa omwe akutipatsanso gawo lachitatu omwe timachita nawo kuti atithandizire kugwiritsa ntchito mawebusayiti ndikuwongolera zochitika m'malo mwathu. Zitsanzo zikuphatikiza kuchititsa mawebusayiti athu, portal kapena nsanja ina, ntchito zaukadaulo wazidziwitso, ndi kasamalidwe ka data. Ngati opereka chithandizo chachitatuwa ali ndi mwayi wodziwa zambiri zanu, akuyenera kuteteza chinsinsi cha zidziwitsozo ndikuzigwiritsa ntchito pazifukwa zochepa zomwe zidaperekedwa.


Titha kugwiritsa ntchito kapena kuwulula Zidziwitso Zanu Zomwe Tingaone kuti ndizofunikira malinga ndi malamulo oyenera; Kuyankha zopempha zochokera kuboma, maboma, ndi mabungwe owongolera; kutsatira malamulo a khothi, njira zakuyimbira milandu, ndi njira zina, kuti tipeze njira zovomerezeka kapena kuchepetsa chiwonongeko chathu; komanso kuteteza ufulu, chitetezo, kapena katundu wa ogwira ntchito, inu kapena ena.


Titha kusamutsa kapena kugawana Mauthenga Anu okhudzana ndi kuphatikiza, kupeza, kapena kugulitsa kapena kusamutsa katundu, malinga ndi chinsinsi, komanso kukudziwitsani ngati lamulo likufuna.

Chitetezo cha Data 

The security of your Personal Information is important to us. We take a number of organizational, technical, and physical measures designed to protect the Personal Information we collect. However, security risk is inherent in all internet and information technologies, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your Personal Information. We will comply with applicable laws and regulations requiring that we notify you in the event your Personal Information is compromised as a result of a breach of our security measures.

Kusungidwa Kwazidziwitso 

We retain your Personal Information for as long as is necessary to carry out our interests in accordance with this Privacy Policy, our retention policies, and applicable law.


Maulalo Atsiku Lachitatu

For your information and convenience, these Websites may contain links to third-party sites. These third-party websites are not under our control and are governed by their own privacy policies and terms of use. In addition, third-party links do not suggest affiliation with, endorsement of, or sponsorship by us of any of the linked-to sites.


Kutsatira Lamulo Lachitetezo Cha Zachinsinsi Paintaneti la Ana 

Kuteteza zachinsinsi za ana ndikofunikira kwambiri. Pachifukwachi, sitimatola zidziwitso kumawebusayiti kuchokera kwa omwe tikudziwa kuti ali ndi zaka 16. Kupitilira apo, palibe gawo lililonse la mawebusayiti omwe adapangidwa kuti akope aliyense wazaka zosakwana 16. idzachotsa uthengawo nthawi yomweyo.



Zambiri Pagulu

Pakhoza kukhala mabwalo pamasamba athu omwe, chifukwa cha mawonekedwe ndi kuchuluka kwa mawebusayiti athu, akuphatikizapo chenjezo loti zomwe zalowetsedwa ndi "zidziwitso za anthu onse." Zidziwitso zoterezi zimasamalidwa mosiyanasiyana pazolinga zazinsinsi ngati zina zomwe zafotokozedwa pano. Tikamagwiritsa ntchito mawu oti chidziwitso cha anthu, timatanthauza kuti uthengawo ungawonekere kapena kutulutsidwa pa Webusayiti yathu.


Mwa kuyika zidziwitso zanu m'magawo awebusayiti athu omwe amachenjeza kuti zomwe zalembedwazo zikhala zachidziwikire, mukuvomereza kuti sitikutsimikizira kuti izi sizikhala zachinsinsi; Kuphatikiza apo, mukuvomereza kuti sitili ndi udindo wofalitsa uthenga waumwini ndi zina zilizonse zokhudzana ndi malamulo. Zowonadi, chifukwa sitikutsimikizira kuti izi sizikhala zachinsinsi, muyenera kuyembekezera kuti aliyense, kuphatikiza anthu omwe sanatuluke patsamba lathu, azitha kuziwona.


Ufulu Wachinsinsi wa California 

If you reside in California and have provided personally identifiable information to us, you may request information once per calendar year about our disclosures of certain categories of your personally identifiable information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. Such requests must be submitted to Tides at


Zambiri kwa Ogwiritsa Ntchito Kunja kwa United States

These Websites are published in the United States and subject to laws of the United States. If you are an EU resident or citizen, you have additional rights in connection with your Personal Information pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), including the right to request a copy of your Personal Information that we may have, and the right to request that we update, delete or anonymize that information. If you have any GDPR-specific questions or requests, please contact Tides at


Zosintha ku Ndondomeko Yathu 

Titha kubwereza izi zazinsinsi nthawi iliyonse. Tikatero, tidzasintha tsiku la "Last Updated" lomwe lili pamwamba patsamba lino. Tikukulimbikitsani kuti muziyang'ananso pafupipafupi kuti muzikhala ndi zatsopano pakusintha kwachinsinsi. Kupitiliza kwanu kugwiritsa ntchito mawebusayiti titatumiza zosintha kumatanthauza kuti mukuvomereza zosinthazi.


Zambiri zamalumikizidwe

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or anything relating to the Websites, please contact Tides at GDPR-specific questions and requests are best routed to