Beyond100K Launches Education Initiative Targeting the Addition of 150,000 STEM Teachers
December 22, 2022
In September, we announced our new moonshot goal, directly inspired by the unCommission, at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City.
Beyond100K, formerly known as 100Kin10, announced a new “Moonshot goal” of preparing and retaining 150,000 new science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers over the next 10 years. That’s almost 50% more than the 108,000 STEM teachers the 100Kin10 network successfully prepared in its first decade. Significantly, Beyond100K will put special emphasis on preparing and retaining Black, Latinx, and Native American teachers in its next phase as part of creating a sense of belonging for students who have traditionally been excluded from STEM opportunities.
We believe we can end the STEM teacher shortage once and for all, and do it with equity. And if we do, we will see an entire generation – and a whole nation – transformed."