Bringing stories + insights to life



Art has brought delight, inspiration, and connection to the unCommission process, creating the conditions for shared understanding in the way that only art can.


Art from our resident artist, Play Steinberg, helps make meaning of all that our storytellers shared. Additionally, art from community-based art organizations across the country explores the theme of belonging in STEM, with young people sharing their experiences through art and offering what is true for them and their communities.


UnCommission Quotes V2a
UnCommission Quotes v1b

The above illustrations by Play Steinberg feature quotes from four storytellers: Kendra Hale, Kaitlyn Varela, Dorianis Perez, and an anonymous storyteller. 

The art below reflects the interpretations, beliefs, and opinions of these artists and communities and should not be considered representative of the views of unCommission nor 100Kin10. 

Work from the unCommission’s Resident Artist

Resident artist Play Steinberg brought the words of our storytellers to life, breathing life into the themes we heard over and over again.

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Illinois: The Sound of Belonging

In Illinois, students created sound art that explored the idea of belonging in STEAM.

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North Carolina: Our STEM Stories

In North Carolina, students created a book containing their artistic expression of their perspectives on STEM.

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Texas: Fingerprinting Our Unique Selves

In Texas, young people reflected on the unique strengths that they bring to the whole.

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California: Outdoor Reflections

In California, Native youth created a collection of stories, poems, and art that reflect on the environment and the shared practices that uplift collective resilience.

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New York: Designing a Place to Belong

In New York, an architectural project explores how an outdoor learning and gathering space can create a sense of beauty and belonging.

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