7th Grade Engineering Teacher
Gabrian (he/him/his), 18, North Carolina
“Hello. So in the seventh grade, I took an engineering design course mostly because I was already interested and pretty sure I was already going to go into a technology or engineering career when I grew up. But looking around, I saw many other people who weren't quite 100% sure yet, they were just kind of taking the class to try it out. Which Honestly, I really love, you can't rule it out until you try it. So everyone came out of the class, honestly gaining a really new understanding and enthusiasm towards engineering. It was it was totally a lot of fun for everyone. We did so many projects, including digital heads on, of course, the hands on were my favorite projects, because I felt that we were actually doing something like we were learning something new, while also having fun at the same time, experimenting, trying out new things. And honestly, it was all just novel for us. We were learning new things. Yeah, so some of the things we did were like designing 3d modeling simple buildings, or creating chariots using a sphere or a robot, or making Rube Goldberg machines. But by far, the thing that stood out to me was the teacher, he definitely treated us like engineers, not like children, like other middle school teachers would do. He worked really hard with us to solve each problem that we came across. And no matter what the skill level, it could be the simplest of problems, and he would still work hard to make sure that we knew what we were doing. So today, I still think back to this class. There are so many, like numerous middle school classes that I took and have completely slipped my mind. And this one is not and honestly I believe the thing that made the difference was the teacher. He worked so well with us and made us feel so valued, while also having so much fun with engineering and design. And I really took away a lot from that class, and I'm sure everyone else in that class did as well.”
He worked so well with us and made us feel so valued, while also having so much fun with engineering and design.