My Story

Storyteller: Karla (she/her/hers), 19, Texas

Ever since I was young, I knew I wanted to be a teacher, but I never knew what subject I wanted to teach. It wasn't until my first-grade year where my teacher took the time out of her day to notice what I was going through at that time, I was I had just moved from Juarez to El Paso, through an assignment she noticed that for Christmas all I wanted was a Christmas tree so I could spend it with my family. Soon after she took time out of her day to bring my family a Christmas tree. This day stuck with me forever that when I was starting to grow up, I was looking into fields that I would like to teach, one that I considered was math because it came very easy to me to understand and it was a subject that a lot of kids didn’t like. Once I got to high school, that’s when I knew that math was the way to go, I had met my algebra and my precalculus teacher who showed me that there was much more to teachers than just academics. They showed me that when you let students know that you care they will try their best; however, things changed when I got to college, one thing being that math classes got harder but that wasn't going to stop me. I started to think that once I wasn't able to understand something in a math class it wasn't the actual content because I knew I was smart enough to learn it. I believe that me struggling through some classes has a lot to do with the professor. In one class I was struggling with calculus 3 because I thought the content was hard but thanks to the professor that I had he made it easy for me to understand what was going on compared to a class that I'm currently taking where my professor decides that he's going to use lectures that he prerecorded years ago (sometimes his lectures have nothing to do with the homework). These experiences helped me decide that I want to be a good teacher for my future students. I want to be the teacher that is going to want to have that fire in them that they can do anything. I want to try to be the change for these students especially in the math field because a lot of students feel that just because they don't understand what's going on at first that they're never going to understand it, as it is math always sounds like an intimidating thing to learn, but just because they had a couple of not great teachers in the past doesn't mean that they're not going to learn it in the future and be successful.


 My algebra and my precalculus teacher who showed me that there was much more to teachers than just academics. They showed me that when you let students know that you care they will try their best.