Senou’s Story: Coding Melodies

Storyteller: Senou (he/him/his), 17, Arizona

Story Transcript:

When I was in 10th grade, I participated in an engineering class that was like a dual enrollment class with a local university. And that class really allowed me to explore a lot of things about how engineering can cross paths with other, kind of, parts of subjects that I learned about. And at the end of the year, I got to do this awesome project that I got to create myself and what it was was turning a keypad into a piano, like a -- something that is able to record music. So I did all, like, the coding and all that stuff for it and had to learn all of that, in order to get it accomplished. And I think one thing that really stuck with me from that experience was how STEM isn't only science, technology, engineering, and math, doesn't only stay within science, technology, engineering and math. It kind of bleeds over into so many other different areas, and disciplines and finding that cross path, that that place where the two places overlap, or music might overlap with engineering, or history might overlap with math and science, and that that's really something that I discovered was something I'm really into because of that class.


I think one thing that really stuck with me from that experience was how STEM isn't only science, technology, engineering, and math doesn't only stay within science, technology, engineering and math.