Turning a girl into a woman of science
Storyteller: Jordan (she/her/hers), 21, Texas
Story Transcript:
“Hi, my name is Jordan and I fell in love with science in the sixth grade. I went to Garcia Middle School in San Antonio, Texas. And there I learned all about Earth Sciences, physics, Life Sciences, astronomy, of course, in a basic way, but I absolutely fell in love with these subjects. And now, I study Environmental Sciences at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. And I'm actually graduating this December. And I've loved science ever since the sixth grade. I remember my teacher, my science teacher in sixth grade actually brought fresh water from a spring he had visited for every student in the class to try if they wanted to. And I had never drunk fresh water from a spring at that time! And looking back on it now it seems kind of small. But I remember back then I was really amazed that these things existed and that the Earth could provide for us in the way that it could. And he was a minority and I am a minority, I'm Hispanic. I really just figured that if he could study and enjoy that way of life, that I could too. Ever since then, I've wanted to pursue science and learn more about how the natural Earth provides for us in various different ways. And yeah, I've kind of dedicated the last few years of my life to doing so. So, you know, those experiences in sixth grade really shaped the future years that were to come home. I hope to do research for the rest of my life. And yeah, so that's my story.”
I remember my science teacher in sixth grade actually brought fresh water from a spring he had visited for every student in the class to try if they wanted to...I remember back then I was really amazed that these things existed and that the Earth could provide for us in the way that it could.