The latest news from the unCommission.

U.S. Department of Education Announces Partnership with Beyond100K
In December, the U.S. Department of Education hosted the YOU Belong in STEM National Coordinating Conference in Washington, D.C. as a key initiative for the Biden-Harris…
Beyond100K Launches Education Initiative Targeting the Addition of 150,000 STEM Teachers
In September, we announced our new moonshot goal, directly inspired by the unCommission, at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City. Beyond100K, formerly known as…
A Deep Dive Into the unCommission Insights: A Focus on Belonging
After hearing from nearly 600 unCommission storytellers, we heard three things loud and clear: Young people have not given up; they’re fired up, want to make…
Looking Back at Our Work Together in 2021, Gearing Up for the Work to Come
In summer 2021, 100Kin10 began talking to partners nationwide about our idea of an unCommission, which would turn traditional policymaking on its head. We believed that,…
Insights from unCommission Stories
More than 500 young people across the country have shared their experience with science, technology, engineering, and math learning through the unCommission, offering their experiences of…
“Why I Chose to Tell My Story” as Told by Storytellers
To date, over 300 young people have bravely shared their STEM experience with the unCommission, pointing to the successes and challenges of preK-12 learning. We continue…